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Reflection Forward :  The City of McDonough's Comprehensive Plan

The City of McDonough, in partnership with The Collaborative Firm, is developing a dynamic new Comprehensive Plan – “Reflection Forward” – which will essentially serve as a road map for the future of the City of McDonough. The process provides numerous opportunities for residents, community members, and stakeholders to share in a collective vision of the City’s long-term future!


What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive (Comp) Plan is a document in which the residents, business owners, and elected officials help to create that acts as a roadmap to guide the direction of growth and development in the City. The Georgia Planning Act requires that communities maintain Comprehensive Plans that help shape future growth. Comprehensive Plans ensure that future development will occur where, when, and how the community and local government wants.

Comprehensive Plans typically include a long-range scope (at least 20 years) and provide the guiding principles for a community’s growth and development. All Georgia cities and counties must update their plans every five years, either as an update or a complete rewrite.

Comprehensive Planning Process

In the Comprehensive Planning process, local cities, counties, and jurisdictions satisfy several requirements by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, including an intensive analysis process and robust public engagement to recognize each community’s physical, economic, social, and political factors.

Elements included in a Comprehensive Plan are as follows:

  • Community Goals

  • Needs and Opportunities

  • Community Work Programs

  • Broadband Services Analysis

  • Capital Improvement Outlines

  • Economic Development Initiatives

  • Land Use Analysis

  • Transportation Elements

  • Housing Studies


How does the Comprehensive Plan Benefit You?

There are several benefits to the entire community that result from the planning process:

  • Quality of life is maintained and improved.

  • There is a vision, clearly stated and shared by all, that describes the future of the community.

  • Private property rights are protected.

  • Economic development is encouraged and supported.

  • There is more certainty about where development will occur, what it will be like, when it will happen, and how the costs of development will be met.


Community input serves as the foundation for the McDonough Comprehensive Plan 

Key engagement opportunities for the 2023 Comprehensive Plan have included:

  • Community Meetings

  • Briefings during City Council Meetings

  • Core Committee Meetings

  • Stakeholder Interviews

  • Developers Roundtable

  • Informational Tables at City Events

  • Presentations to Stakeholder Groups

  • Online Survey

How do Local Leaders feel about the McDonough Comprehensive Plan?

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"McDonough is truly the heartbeat of the South Metro region. We are an inclusive, vibrant, welcoming community. As long as we work together, we can accomplish anything!" - Lindsay Strickland
Chris Scott.jpg
"McDonough, a growing City, yet maintaining a small town feel."
- Chris Scott
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"I am thrilled to be a part of the McDonough Comprehensive Plan that will positively affect the citizens of McDonough, and be done so in a very inclusive fashion." - Harlon Matthews
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Your Community, Your Vision

A Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis exercise was conducted during the first community meeting that was held on April 4, 2023.
View the results by clicking the link below!

Sign up to stay informed on the City of McDonough's Comprehensive Plan!

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